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Tutorial - Custom configurator

· 3 min read
Johannes Heesterman

Quick overview

In this tutorial I will provide a quick overview of the endpoints that can be used to implement your own customer-facing configurator.

Step 1. Retrieve a list of configuration models.

The first thing we want to do is provide the user with a selection of available configuration models. In order to achieve this we can use the configuration models endpoint

GET /configurator/1/configurator/configurationmodels

Step 2. Start a new configuration

When a user has selected a configuration model to be configured, we can use the featureModelId property to start a new configuration session. We use the start configuration endpoint for this.

GET /configurator/1/configurator/new/{featureModelId}

Result (Some data has been emitted for clarity.):

"id": "9c83b007-7e61-4b4c-9920-f125606844d5",
"currencyIso": "eur",
"currency": {
"iso": "eur",
"name": "Euro",
"symbol": "\u20ac",
"decimalDigits": 2,
"rounding": 0,
"namePlural": "Euros",
"isDefault": false
"languageIso": "nl",
"countryIso": "nl",
"featureModelId": "b8230fc6-454c-4190-a33a-08d5640714ca",
"featureModel": ...,
"values": {
"7bcf2363-4300-4a6a-faa9-08d5640714d2": 1,
"580b4519-1a7a-46f9-fa7d-08d5640714d2": 4,
"8c81fabc-eaed-41e2-8ec2-08d5d10145ad": 4,
"e22f606d-3e4e-462e-8ec3-08d5d10145ad": 72,
"conflicts": null,
"basePrice": 42750,
"basePriceLabel": "\u20ac 42.750,00",
"basePriceIncVAT": 42750,
"basePriceIncVATLabel": "\u20ac 42.750,00",
"basePriceExVAT": 42750,
"basePriceExVATLabel": "\u20ac 42.750,00",
"additionalPrice": 10730,
"additionalPriceLabel": "\u20ac 10.730,00",
"additionalPriceIncVAT": 10730,
"additionalPriceIncVATLabel": "\u20ac 10.730,00",
"additionalPriceExVAT": 10730,
"additionalPriceExVATLabel": "\u20ac 10.730,00",
"totalPrice": 53480,
"totalPriceLabel": "\u20ac 53.480,00",
"totalPriceExVAT": 53480,
"totalPriceExVATLabel": "\u20ac 53.480,00",
"totalPriceIncVAT": 53480,
"totalPriceIncVATLabel": "\u20ac 53.480,00",
"leasePrices": null,
"leasePricesLabels": null

Overview of important configuration properties:

IdGuidIdentifier of the configuration session. This id is used for updating configuration values and requesting a quotation.
FeatureModelobjectObject that represents the entire configuration model. This object should be used to build the configurator UI.
ValuesobjectObject that contains all values of the configuration. The key represents the identifier of a feature model node. The value represents the selected value for that particular node.
ConflictsobjectIf a conflict occurs during the configuration process this object will be filled with conflicting nodes and solution options.

Step 3. Update value

In order to update a value for a particular option we use the update requirement endpoint

PUT /configurator/1/configurator/{configurationId}?ignoreConflicts=true

  • The ignoreConflicts parameter is optional. When this parameter is set to true the configurator will automatically resolve any conflicts that might occur.

Request body:

{featureModelNodeId: "949af91c-8a0b-4540-fa87-08d5640714d2", value: 1}

featureModelNodeIdGuidIdentifier of the feature model node.
valuenumberUser-selected value for the option. 0 for false, 1 for true, or any other number when the option is provided as an input field.