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Tutorial - Using the API to add master data and configuration models.

· 7 min read
Anco Postma
Tech lead @ Elfsquad

This guide will show you how to create new master data in Elfsquad (for example: from ERP), and use it to create configuration models using only the API. Ofcourse all data created here can be viewed, changed and deleted through both the API and the interface (EMS). For this purpose the elfsquad data api will be used. For more information, refer to the provided documentation.

1. Creating master data: features

Before you can start building your model, you will first need the building blocks of Elfsquad: features. In order to continue it is highly recommended to read our basic documentation about features. For some more information:

The data API offers two separate endpoints for creating new features: one for adding a single feature and another for adding multiple features. We strongly advice using the latter over sending multiple requests to the single feature endpoint. To create multiple features, the following request must be sent:


The body should have the following format:

"entities": [
"id": "32915340-0924-409b-a938-f7024b3d883c",
"name": "Product 1",
"articleCode": "AB1",
"type": "Feature",
"salesPrice": 75,
"minValue": 0,
"maxValue": 0,
"stepValue": 0,
"packingUnit": 0,
"reference": "ERP-REF-01",
"customField1": "string",
"customField2": "string",
"customField3": "string",
"customField4": "string",
"customField5": "string"
"id": "32915340-0924-409b-a938-f7024b3d883d",
"name": "Product 2",
"articleCode": "AB2",
"type": "Feature",
"salesPrice": 100,
"minValue": 0,
"maxValue": 0,
"stepValue": 0,
"packingUnit": 0,
"reference": "ERP-REF-02",
"customField1": "string",
"customField2": "string",
"customField3": "string",
"customField4": "string",
"customField5": "string"

Specifying ids in this example is crucial for the next step. While Elfsquad can generate them if omitted, knowing the ids beforehand avoids having to fetch them later on.

Fore more information about the request and response bodies, refer to the provided documentation.

Single feature:

Multiple features:

2. Enriching master data: feature texts

In order to provide the eventual users with some descriptive information about the features, some feature texts can be created. Both HTML and plain text values are supported. More info about feature texts can be found here:

Just as with features, the data API offers two seperate endpoints for creating new feature texts: one for adding a single feature text and one for adding multiple feature texts. To create multiple feature texts, the following request must be sent:


The body should have the following format:

"entities": [
"value": "Plain text example",
"languageIso": "en",
"type": "Description",
"featureId": "32915340-0924-409b-a938-f7024b3d883c",
"reference": "string",
"customField1": "string",
"customField2": "string",
"customField3": "string",
"customField4": "string",
"customField5": "string"
"value": "<p>Html text example</p>",
"languageIso": "en",
"type": "ExtendedDescription",
"featureId": "32915340-0924-409b-a938-f7024b3d883c",
"reference": "string",
"customField1": "string",
"customField2": "string",
"customField3": "string",
"customField4": "string",
"customField5": "string"

Note that the featureId property should be equal to the id of the created feature(s) in the previous step.

Fore more information about the request and response bodies, refer to the provided documentation.

Single feature text:

Multiple feature texts:

3. Expanding master data: feature properties

3.1. Feature properties

Next you will expand your master data with product specifications. In Elfsquad we call these: feature properties. In order to continue it is highly recommended to read our basic documentation about feature properties.

For a more detailed aproach for this step:

First you have to create the diffrent kind of feature properties that your features will have. Just as with the other entities, the data API offers two seperate endpoints for creating new feature properties: one for adding a single feature property and one for adding multiple feature properties. To create multiple feature properties, the following request must be sent:


The body should have the following format:

"entities": [
"name": "Width",
"type": "Input",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"reference": "ERP-PROP-REF-01",
"customField1": "string",
"customField2": "string",
"customField3": "string",
"customField4": "string",
"customField5": "string"
"name": "Color",
"type": "Text",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f09",
"reference": "ERP-PROP-REF-02",
"customField1": "string",
"customField2": "string",
"customField3": "string",
"customField4": "string",
"customField5": "string"

Specifying ids in this example is once again important for the next step.

Fore more information about the request and response bodies, refer to the provided documentation.

Single feature property:

Multiple feature properties:

3.2. Feature has feature properties

Next you have to assign your newly created properties to the features created in step 1. To do these you have to create a linking entity. This entity is called FeatureHasFeatureProperty. Just as with the other entities, the data API offers two seperate endpoints for creating new feature has feature properties: one for adding a single feature has feature property and one for adding multiple feature has feature properties. To create multiple feature has feature properties, the following request must be sent:


The body should have the following format:

"entities": [
"featureId": "32915340-0924-409b-a938-f7024b3d883c",
"featurePropertyId": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"value": 150,
"reference": "ERP-PROP-REF-01",
"customField1": "string",
"customField2": "string",
"customField3": "string",
"customField4": "string",
"customField5": "string"
"featureId": "32915340-0924-409b-a938-f7024b3d883c",
"featurePropertyId": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f09",
"textValue": "red",
"reference": "ERP-PROP-REF-02",
"customField1": "string",
"customField2": "string",
"customField3": "string",
"customField4": "string",
"customField5": "string"

By sending the payload above we have assigned our feature created in step 1 a width of 150 and a color of "red".

Fore more information about the request and response bodies, refer to the provided documentation.

Single feature has feature property:

Multiple feature has feature properties:

4. Building the model: configuration model

Now that you have succesfully implemented your master data, you can start building your model. In Elfsquad this model is called a configuration model (or feature model). More info: A configuration model is based on a feature. So if you want to create a model based on the feature you created in step 1 (Product 1), you would have to sent the following request:


With the following JSON body format:

"rootFeatureId": "32915340-0924-409b-a938-f7024b3d883c",
"hideInShowroom": true,
"hideInOrderEntry": true,
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"reference": "string",
"customField1": "string",
"customField2": "string",
"customField3": "string",
"customField4": "string",
"customField5": "string"

Fore more information about the request and response bodies, refer to the provided documentation.

5. Building the model: nodes

Now that you have a configuration model, you will have to link your features to your model. In order to do this you will have to create (feature model) nodes. These nodes have quite a few optional properties, but the only ones important for now are: id, featureModelId and featureId. To create new nodes, send the following request:


With the following JSON body format:

"entities": [
"featureModelId": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"featureId": "32915340-0924-409b-a938-f7024b3d883d",
"hideInQuotation": false,
"hideInConfigurator": false,
"hideInOrderEntry": false,
"hideInOverview": false,
"id": "237f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"reference": "string",
"customField1": "string",
"customField2": "string",
"customField3": "string",
"customField4": "string",
"customField5": "string"

Fore more information about the request and response bodies, refer to the provided documentation.

6. Building the model: relationships

Now that your features are linked to your model, it is time for the final step: adding structure. In Elfsquad we use (feature model) relationships to do this. More information about how they work here:

Relationships also have quite a few properties, but for now we'll focus on four of them: featureModelId, fromNodeId, toNodeId, type. All of these are mandatory. To create new relationships, send the following request:


With the following JSON body format:

"entities": [
"featureModelId": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"fromNodeId": "237f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"toNodeId": "237f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f09",
"order": 1,
"default": false,
"type": "Optional",
"reference": "string",
"customField1": "string",
"customField2": "string",
"customField3": "string",
"customField4": "string",
"customField5": "string"

Property explanation:

  • featureModelId: The id of configuration model this relationship belongs to.
  • fromNodeId: The id of the node that should be the parent in this relationship.
  • toNodeId: The id of the node that should be the child in this relationship.
  • type: The type of the relationship:
    • Optional: The child node can be turned on or off.
    • Mandatory: The child node is always turned on.
    • Alternative: For the parent node, only one alternative child node can be selected at a time.

Fore more information about the request and response bodies, refer to the provided documentation.

After completing all the steps above, you have succesfully created your master data and model structure. Please refer to our internal documentation if you want to add more logic to your model using formulas, conditions and other constraints:

Tutorial - Using the API to create a configuration and add it to a quotation.

· 5 min read
Anco Postma
Tech lead @ Elfsquad

This guide explains how to start a new configuration, and update it, using the configurator API. It will also explain how this configuration can be added to a (new) quotation.

1. Retrieve your configuration models

To ensure successful configuration, start by identifying the model you want to configure. You can retrieve a list of all available configuration models by sending the following request:


The response will look something like the following:

"categories": [],
"features": [
"featureModelId": "32915340-0924-409b-a938-f7024b3d883a",
"featureId": "dbe93c07-198c-449f-9f22-91c529a4d060",
"articleCode": "abc",
"name": "Product 1"
"language": "en"

The featureModelId property, which uniquely identifies the configuration model, is essential for the next step. For more information about the response object, refer to the provided api documentation.

2. Start a new configuration

Now that we know the id of our model, we can start a new configuration. This can be achieved by sending the following request:


The featureModelId in this request is the same as the one retrieved in the previous step. Note: the id can also be found in the EMS. It is also possible to send a body containing startup requirements when starting a new configuration. This body must have the following format:

"startupRequirements": [
"nodeId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"type": 0,
"value": 0
"nodeId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174001",
"type": 1,
"value": 10
"nodeId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174002",
"type": 2,
"value": "Some text"
"nodeId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174003",
"type": 3,
"value": 5

Property explanation:

  • nodeId: The id of the node you want to change.
  • type & value: We currently support 3 different types:
    1. Selection(0): When using a selection type requirement, sending a value of 0 will turn the specified node off. Any other value will turn the node on and change the value to the provided value. Only numeric values are supported.
    2. Value(1): When using a value type requirement, the specified node will turn on (if not on already) and will have it's value changed to the provided value. Even when the value is 0. Only numeric values are supported.
    3. Text(2): When using a text type requirement, the specified node will have it's textValue changed to the provided value. Only string values are supported.
    4. Cardinality(3): When using a cardinality requirement, the specified linkedmodel node will have the specified amount off instances.

The response body will contain the id of the newly created configuration. This id is needed for the other steps. For more information about the request and response bodies, refer to the provided api documentation.

3. Updating the configuration

For further configuration changes, you can also utilize the configurator API. However, if you possess all required modifications beforehand, consider using the startup requirements covered earlier for optimal performance. Updating numeric values can be done by sending the following request:


Note that configurationId is the id of the configuration created in the previous step. The request should contain a JSON body with an array of requirements that have the following format:

"featureModelNodeId": "ad1e70a3-199a-4363-9b12-40472c568135",
"value": 0,
"isSelection": true
"featureModelNodeId": "ad1e70a3-199a-4363-9b12-40472c568136",
"value": 5,
"isSelection": false

Property explanation:

  • featureModelNodeId: The id of the node that has to be updated.
  • value: The value that has to be assigned to the specified node. Only numeric values are supported.
  • isSelection: When set to true, the requirement will behave like a selection type requirement from the previous step. Otherwise it will act like a value type requirement.

A slightly different request has to be sent when updating text values:


The JSON body is also slightly different:

"featureModelNodeId": "ad1e70a3-199a-4363-9b12-40472c568135",
"textValue": ""
"featureModelNodeId": "ad1e70a3-199a-4363-9b12-40472c568136",
"textValue": "Example Text"

Property explanation:

  • featureModelNodeId: The id of the node that has to be updated.
  • textValue: The text value that has to be assigned to the specified node. Only string values are supported.

For more information regarding the request and response bodies, refer to the provided api documentation.

4. Creating a new quotation

Before you can add the properly adjusted configuration to a quotation, you have to create a new quotation. This can be done using our quotation api. The api will automatically assign the correct quotation status and quotation number. This can be done by sending the following request:


This request requires a JSON body with optional properties. The response body will contain the id of the newly created quotation. For more information about the request and response bodies, refer to the provided api documentation.

5. Adding the configuration to the quotation

In order to complete this step you need the id of the configuration that was created in step 2. You will also need the id of the quotation that was created in the previous step. To add the configuration to the quotation the following request must be sent:


For this request a JSON body with the following format is required:

"quotationId": "1ceb365d-7c0e-435f-8012-dd887707710b",
"configurationIds": ["747fe28d-fd35-4938-aac2-7a102b20196e"]

The value of quotationId should be replaced by the id of the quotation from the previous step. The value of configurationIds should be an array containing the id of the configuration from step 2. Please note that adding multiple (unique) configurations in one request is supported. After the request completes, the configuration will be added to the quotation. The new quotation is immediately visable in the EMS. Want to change the status of your newly created quotation? Please refer to our documentation: