The VisualizationFrame class is the main entry point for the elfsquad/third-party-visualization library. It provides methods to embed & communicate with custom visualization.
Initializes a new instance of the the third-party visualization.
Method parameters
The options used to initialize the showroom.
Retrieves the native iframe element.
Returns (HTMLIFrameElement)
The native iframe element.
Registers a callback function to be invoked when a configuration update is triggered.
Method parameters
The callback function to be called when a configuration update is triggered.
Registers a callback function to be invoked when a requirement should be updated.
Method parameters
The callback function to be called when a requirement should be updated.
Registers a callback function to be invoked when multiple requirements should be updated.
Method parameters
The callback function to be called when multiple requirements should be updated.
Registers a callback function to be invoked when an image value should be updated.
Method parameters
The callback function to be called when an image value should be updated.
Registers a callback function to be invoked when a text value should be updated.
Method parameters
The callback function to be called when a text value should be updated.
Trigger a configuration update in the third-party visualization.
Method parameters
The configuration to send to the third-party visualization.
Trigger a step changed event in the third-party visualization.
Method parameters
The step to send to the third-party visualization.