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Get entities from CrmAccounts



Get entities from CrmAccounts


Query Parameters

    $top integer

    Show only the first n items

    $skip integer

    Skip the first n items

    $search string

    Search items by search phrases

    $filter string

    Filter items by property values

    $count boolean

    Include count of items

    $orderby string[]

    Possible values: [companyName, companyName desc, email, email desc, phone1, phone1 desc, phone2, phone2 desc, streetName, streetName desc, houseNumber, houseNumber desc, postalCode, postalCode desc, city, city desc, countryIso, countryIso desc, cocNumber, cocNumber desc, vatNumber, vatNumber desc, state, state desc, iban, iban desc, type, type desc, defaultVatId, defaultVatId desc, customerReference, customerReference desc, defaultContactId, defaultContactId desc, firstName, firstName desc, lastNamePrefix, lastNamePrefix desc, lastName, lastName desc, id, id desc, createdDate, createdDate desc, updatedDate, updatedDate desc, organizationId, organizationId desc, reference, reference desc, creatorId, creatorId desc, customField1, customField1 desc, customField2, customField2 desc, customField3, customField3 desc, customField4, customField4 desc, customField5, customField5 desc]

    Order items by property values

    $select string[]

    Possible values: [companyName, email, phone1, phone2, streetName, houseNumber, postalCode, city, countryIso, cocNumber, vatNumber, state, iban, type, defaultVatId, customerReference, defaultContactId, firstName, lastNamePrefix, lastName, id, createdDate, updatedDate, organizationId, reference, creatorId, customField1, customField2, customField3, customField4, customField5, organization]

    Select properties to be returned

    $expand string[]

    Possible values: [*, organization]

    Expand related entities


Retrieved entities




  • Array [

  • companyName string
    email string
    phone1 string
    phone2 string
    streetName string
    houseNumber string
    postalCode string
    city string
    countryIso string

    Possible values: <= 2 characters

    cocNumber string
    vatNumber string
    state string
    iban string
    defaultVatId uuid

    This property are no longer synced from the contact.

    customerReference string
    defaultContactId uuid
    firstName string

    This property are no longer synced from the contact.

    lastNamePrefix string

    This property are no longer synced from the contact.

    lastName string

    This property are no longer synced from the contact.

    id uuid
    createdDate date-time
    updatedDate date-time
    organizationId uuid
    reference string
    creatorId uuid
    customField1 string
    customField2 string
    customField3 string
    customField4 string
    customField5 string
  • ]
