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Get entities from QuotationGroups



Get entities from QuotationGroups


Query Parameters

    $top integer

    Show only the first n items

    $skip integer

    Skip the first n items

    $search string

    Search items by search phrases

    $filter string

    Filter items by property values

    $count boolean

    Include count of items

    $orderby string[]

    Possible values: [groupId, groupId desc, groupOrder, groupOrder desc, groupAmount, groupAmount desc, groupTitle, groupTitle desc, configurationId, configurationId desc, parentGroupId, parentGroupId desc, configurationCode, configurationCode desc, quotationId, quotationId desc, unitExclPrice, unitExclPrice desc, unitInclPrice, unitInclPrice desc, totalPriceExclVat, totalPriceExclVat desc, totalPriceInclVat, totalPriceInclVat desc, purchasePrice, purchasePrice desc, profitMargin, profitMargin desc, profitMarginPercentage, profitMarginPercentage desc, groupMarginPct, groupMarginPct desc]

    Order items by property values

    $select string[]

    Possible values: [groupId, groupOrder, groupAmount, groupTitle, configurationId, parentGroupId, configurationCode, quotationId, unitExclPrice, unitInclPrice, totalPriceExclVat, totalPriceInclVat, purchasePrice, profitMargin, profitMarginPercentage, groupMarginPct]

    Select properties to be returned

    $expand string[]

    Possible values: [*]

    Expand related entities


Retrieved entities




  • Array [

  • groupId uuid
    groupOrder int32

    Possible values: >= -2147483648 and <= 2147483647

    groupAmount int32

    Possible values: >= -2147483648 and <= 2147483647

    groupTitle string
    configurationId uuid
    parentGroupId uuid
    configurationCode string
    quotationId uuid
    unitExclPrice decimal
    unitInclPrice decimal
    totalPriceExclVat decimal
    totalPriceInclVat decimal
    purchasePrice decimal
    profitMargin decimal
    profitMarginPercentage decimal
    groupMarginPct decimal
  • ]
